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Version: 3.0.0

Migrate from V1 to V2

Breaking Changes​

Output file format​

Between the major versions we've made a few small formatting changes to the outputted file content.

Actions Required


Line Endings​

In v1, generate-license-file preserved the line endings within license text. The --eol property only applied to the text added around the licenses.

In v2, the --eol property applies to all text in the output to create a consistent file.

Capitalisation of npm​

In v1, the output text wrote "npm" in capital letters.

In v2, the output now correctly writes npm in lowercase.


In v1, credit to generate-license-file was only put at the bottom of the file.

In v2, credit is now also added at the top of the file.

End-of-line flag (EOL)​

In v1, the eol arguement took in either windows or posix to set the line ending values in the output to either \r\n or \n respectively.

In v2, the eol arguement now takes either crlf or lf for either \r\n or \n respectively.

Actions Required

Change --eol windows to --eol crlf.

Change --eol posix to --eol lf.


In v1, the input parameter was a path to the directory containing the package.json file.

In v2, the input parameter needs to be a path to the package.json file itself.

Actions Required

Change --input ./ to --input ./package.json.

Change -i ./ to -i ./package.json.

New features to consider​

CI Mode​

If you're running the generate-license-file CLI as a part of your CI/CD pipelines/processes then you'll probably want to include our new --ci flag.

This flag ensures that the CLI fails with a non-zero exitcode whenever it would normally prompt the user for an input. This can stop your processes from needlessly hanging until they hit your configured timeout, saving you time as well as debug effort due to the messages it will log before it exits.