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Version: 3.0.0



generateLicenseFile Async

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generateLicenseFile(pathToPackageJson: string, outputPath: string, options?: GenerateLicenseFileOptions): Promise<void>

Scans the project found at the given path and creates a license file at the given output location


  • pathToPackageJson: string - A path to the package.json for the project

  • outputPath: string - A file path for the resulting license file

  • options?: GenerateLicenseFileOptions - Additional options for the license file generation



getLicenseFileText Async

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getLicenseFileText(pathToPackageJson: string, options?: GetLicenseFileTextOptions): Promise<string>

Scans the project found at the given path and returns a string containing the licenses for all the dependencies


  • pathToPackageJson: string - A path to the package.json for the project

  • options?: GetLicenseFileTextOptions - Additional options for the license text generation


Promise<string> - A promise that resolves to the license file text

getProjectLicenses Async

getProjectLicenses(pathToPackageJson: string, options?: GetProjectLicensesOptions): Promise<ILicense[]>

Scans the project found at the given path and returns an array of objects each containing the details of an identified license and the dependencies it pertains to.


  • pathToPackageJson: string - A path to the package.json for the project

  • options?: GetProjectLicensesOptions - Additional options for the license discovery


Promise<ILicense[]> - Array of ILicense objects, each containing the license content and respective dependencies



Contains the content of a given license and the list of dependencies it pertains to. It is returned from getProjectLicenses.


  • content: string - Body of the license.

  • dependencies: string[] - List of node packages that this license applies to.


Additional options for the license file generation. Can be optionally passed into generateLicenseFile.


  • lineEnding: "lf" | "crlf" - Specify the line ending to use in the generated license file: either "lf" or "crlf". Leave undefined to use the system default

  • replace: Record<string, string> - A map of packages-to-file-paths containing content that should be used instead of the package's license content

  • exclude: string[] - Packages to exclude from the generated license file

  • append: string[] - File paths to read in and append to the bottom of the generated license file


Additional options for the license text generation. Can be optionally passed into getLicenseFileText.


  • lineEnding: "lf" | "crlf" - Specify the line ending to use in the generated license file: either "lf" or "crlf". Leave undefined to use the system default

  • replace: Record<string, string> - A map of packages-to-file-paths containing content that should be used instead of the package's license content

  • exclude: string[] - Packages to exclude from the generated license file

  • append: string[] - File paths to read in and append to the bottom of the generated license file


Additional options for the license discovery. Can be optionally passed into getProjectLicenses.


  • replace: Record<string, string> - A map of packages-to-file-paths containing content that should be used instead of the package's license content

  • exclude: string[] - Packages to exclude from the generated license file