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Migrate from V2 to V3

Breaking Changes​

Improved Output Content​

Between v2 and v3 we've re-written our core license-finding logic to be more accurate; this means that your outputted file content has probably changed, but don't worry, it'll now contain more precise information.

Actions Required


Specifying Line Endings​

In v2, when using the library programmatically, you could specify the line ending to use in the output as the last parameter.

In v3, there are now more options you can pass in so the line ending option has moved into an options object along with the new options.

Actions Required


Warnings in the Console​

In v3, Generate License File will now log warnings in particular scenarios. While you don't need to fix them, we suggest that you do so that your output is as accurate as possible. Such scenarios include:

  • Being unable to find a license for a package
  • Finding multiple licenses for a package
Actions Required

Check your console output for warnings and fix them if you can.

New Features to Consider​

Config Files​

The v3 implementation is more flexible and allows those who use our CLI to have greater control over what it produces, so if you find you're unhappy with what it's producing for a particular package then see our page on using a config file.

In summary, you can now:

  • Exclude packages from the output
  • Replace the license for a package
  • Append additional text to the generated output